Having ended the year 2022 with a special ‘Christmas do’ at Hadlow Manor, it was soon January 2023 and time for our first meeting of the year.
Members arrived looking well and pleased to see one another again after paying for their subscription which is just £20 per year.
Members were welcomed to our January meeting by Marion, our Chairlady, who had much to tell members about forthcoming events. January saw trips to the Grey Hound Track and Diners Club and February will be our AGM. In March we are going to the Brighton Catering College to enjoy a lunch prepared by the students.
During the afternoon we listened intently to our guest speakers – Kate and Shaun, two advisors from the Citizens Advice in Westerham and Edenbridge. They told us so much about the good work that the Citizens Advice does without any funding from Central Government, yet for many it is a lifeline of support and help. Members heard how to claim different benefits.
We were asked if Wills had been made, how many had done their Lasting Power of Attorney, remembering there are two elements, Property & Finance and Health & Wellbeing. One interesting fact many were surprized to hear was that the foodbank collections in Waitrose and Eden Emporium goes to those in need locally. However, the Lidl’s food bank collection actually goes into the London area. Members were reminded of scams and to be very careful when answering telephone calls or opening links on the computer – If in doubt, don’t. And remember, if an offer is too good to be true, it usually is.
If you want to know more of what EdenARA has planned for 2023, why not come along to the Eden Centre on the second Friday of the month and find out more. You can come as a visitor, have a cup of tea and biscuit, see new faces and make new friends.
For more information contact Marion on 01342 833595.
– Submitted by Val Bignall, Secretary EdenARA
Pictures below from our Christmas Party at Hadlow Manor.