Two events this September offer opportunities to learn more about the history of Edenbridge. 

On Saturday 3rd September from 10.30am-2.30pm, a Graveyard Trail at Edenbridge Parish Church provides a chance to discover some intriguing stories of previous inhabitants of the town. It will also be the church’s Michaelmas Fair with a variety of stalls and refreshments. 

A new Graveyard Trail booklet, now including a section on memorials within the church, will be available on the day and on sale in the Eden Valley Museum and the church.

On Saturday 10th September at 2pm, the Eden Valley Museum will be running a free Town Trail.   Local experts will lead a walk of between 60 and 90 minutes, telling the history of some of the oldest buildings in the town, beginning and ending at the Museum.  If you would like to participate, please be there by 1.50pm on the day and make yourself known to the stewards.  At the end of the walk there will be refreshments in the Museum and a chance to browse through archival photos of the town.

The Seyliard memorial inside Edenbridge Parish Church commemorates one of the area’s most significant landowning families (bottom right)