Since moving to Edenbridge in 2003, Bore Place has always been on my list of places to visit but I just never got around to going. So when I saw they were holding an Open Day last October, I made sure I put it in the calendar to go along with my friend, Julie.

For those of you who don’t know, Bore Place is a 500-acre regeneratively managed historic estate whose focus is on organic farming and regenerative land management whilst supporting people to live happy, fulfilling, sustainable lives. Bore Place also offers educational programmes for school children and young people, holiday stays, group retreat accommodation, trails to explore and a programme of public events (some of which you may have previously seen advertised in this magazine.
The free Open Day, which took place on a glorious day, was aimed at showcasing the facility to the local community with lots of activities for everyone taking place. Not only was there a BBQ, drinks, locally-made goodies and more, visitors could also speak to these producers to find out more about how they made their products.
There was also the opportunity to get up close to the calves and visit the new milking parlour experience and see the cows being milked as well as plenty of activities for children, open gardens and the opening of the new Farm Gate, selling local produce and run by young people attending projects at Bore Place, with all the money being fed into the educational programmes. The Farm Gate is a giant vending machine selling produce such as fresh organic vegetables, cheese, kefir, yoghurt, honey and organic ice creams.

As the weather was so good on the day, we went on a beautiful walk around the grounds and at each turn we would see something new to admire, whether it was the historical house, the market garden, the farm animals, the flora and fauna or just to listen to the countryside.
Since my visit I have been asking many people I know if they’ve been and I’m surprised by how many haven’t got around to it either. I would highly recommend that this year you make a plan, with your family, friends, or even on your own, to visit Bore Place, enjoy a scenic walk and find out more about all the great work they are doing.
Bore Place Road, Chiddingstone, TN8 7AR 01732 463255 | hello@boreplace.org
Bore Place is home to the Commonwork Trust (reg. charity 1160725)