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The cost of living crisis has meant that more of our monthly income is now being spent on our energy bills.  The government’s energy support payment scheme is not being renewed for all householders this year.  It will be harder for us all to keep our homes warm this winter.

With this in mind, Citizens Advice have teamed up with the Energy Savings Trust to share advice on getting help if you are struggling with energy bills and provide tips for all on how to reduce your energy costs around the home.  You can view these tips at but they do include the following simple measures that we can all take which, done together, can potentially save you hundreds of pounds each year: 

  • washing clothes at 30*C
  • only filling the kettle with the amount of water you need
  • reducing the time you spend in the shower
  • turning the thermostat down by 1oC
  • turning appliances off at the wall and lights off when not needed
  • draft proofing your windows and doors.

Lifestyle changes won’t be possible for everyone and may not be enough to cover the hole in household budgets caused by high energy prices, especially if you already have fuel debts.

Citizens Advice Edenbridge & Westerham are now offering Energy Advice appointments to people who are in or at risk of fuel poverty.   These appointments are intended to help identify additional ways to reduce the cost of your energy usage and help manage, reduce or remove your fuel debt and also the stress. that comes with it.  This cost reduction may be by way of:

  • reviewing your benefit entitlements 
  • applying for energy specific grants either to help pay off your fuel debts or improve the energy efficiency in your home, and/or 
  • making the best use of your smart meter (should you have one).

If you would like to make an energy appointment, or would like help with any other issue, please contact your local Citizens Advice:

Ring our free Adviceline on 0808 278 7962 (option 4), Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 4pm

Call into one of our drop in sessions at the Eden Centre:

Monday to Thursday from10am to 3pm

Email us anytime at:

Appointments also available in Westerham