Lockdown was a difficult time for us all and planning how to reopen Eden Beauty Therapy safely was a daunting task that occupied our thoughts for much of the time. However, with the help of the government guidelines we slowly prepared ourselves and feel as confident as is possible that the salon is a safe environment for our clients and our staff.
Some of the practices are second nature to us of course but because of the extra precautions the salon has changed a little. The surroundings are more clinical than before but we hope our clients will still feel comfortable and relaxed as well as safe when they come for their appointments.
What to expect as a client at Eden Beauty Therapy for the time being?

(Please be advised that procedures may be subject to change to reflect any changes in government guidance. Information included here is correct at time of going to print.)
• Please wear a mask when you arrive. For those who forget we have disposable ones available so don’t panic!
• There will only be one client at a time in the salon due to social distancing and when you arrive we will ask to take your temperature.
• Clean hands are very important, so before you go into the treatment room please either wash your hands in our bathroom or use hand sanitiser which is readily available throughout the salon, use it as much as you want.
• Sadly we are not providing a waiting area at this time and we have no magazines or refreshments for now.

• When your therapist takes you through to the treatment room, there is a plastic box for all your belongings. It is sanitised after every client.
• When clients leave the salon, everything is thoroughly cleaned and sanitised including reception, the bathroom, the treatment room, boxes for personal items, even the door handles.
If you would like to book an appointment with us or have any questions about any of the treatments on offer, please give us a call.

• Where possible, we use disposable products but all non-disposable tools are sterilised. Most towels have been replaced with disposable paper ones but if that isn’t possible all our laundry is washed at a minimum of 60°C.
• Our therapists wear visors, aprons and disposable gloves for every treatment. They are on a rota and work morning and afternoon/evening shifts to help limit staff contact and to help us adhere to social distancing guidelines.
• We’ve changed our opening hours slightly to give more availability. Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday is 9am-6pm, Thursday is 8am-8pm and Saturday is 9am-5pm.

• All our regular treatments are available except for Electrolysis which we feel is too risky as it is such close contact work face-to-face and obviously masks cannot be worn. Facial waxing is an alternative for now.
After such a long time we have been really delighted to see so many of our regular clients again and to meet some new ones too. We’ve had some lovely feedback about how comfortable people have felt and appreciation for the measures we have taken to make them feel safe. We are doing the best we can and are constantly reviewing our precautions so we can continue providing our treatments to our clients and work hard to protect them in this strange world we are living in.
Eden Beauty Therapy, 5 Church Street, Edenbridge, TN8 5BD
01732 862 224 | edenbeautytherapy.co.uk | Facebook: @EdenBeautyEdenbridge | Instagram: @edenbeautytherapy