We would like to thank our main show sponsors for their support in the 2021 Edenbridge Motor Show:

 Days Garage

 Godstone Brewers

 The Bridge Estate Agents

It was the biggest show to date with more vehicles on display than ever!  Our vehicle judges, David and Ivor Stamp from Days Garage had a very tough job deciding on this year’s trophy winners.

Thank you to all the wonderful car clubs for their amazing stands, the fantastic individual car entries of which there were so many, and of course, all our trade stands and craft stalls – all of whom contributed to the success of the day.

We are still in the process of collating all of our data from the event and we would like to say a HUGE thank you to our chamber members who, without them, there wouldn’t have been a Motor Show:

Anita Black, Peter Kingham, Laura Lawrence, Alan Layland, Julie Thompsett, Owen Evans, our lovely admins Ruth Brown and Emma Weston, and of course all our volunteers who help to set up and take down for the event and work tirelessly on the day: Terry Blake, Simon Nicholas, Andy Black, Simon & Emma Harrison, Dee Horton, Michelle Johnson, Sara Jane Mumford, Di Kingham, Jordi Barnett, and Bruno Henry. 

Our new logo this year was  designed by Mark Black and the stunning trophies supplied by Paul Jones of Element Design.

Please keep an eye on our advertising and social media pages for more pictures and thank yous to come.

The show next year has already been booked at Gabriel’s Showground and will be taking place on: 11th September 2022

Make a note in your diaries now!  

– Edenbridge Motor Show Committee

Scenes from Edenbridge Motor Show 2021