As you know, The League of Friends is a registered charity which for many years supported Edenbridge Hospital.  You should be aware that the Hospital closed at the end of November 2023 when the shiny, new Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre (EMHC) opened.  The League has already made a very significant financial contribution to the EMHC garden.  We now hope to support the work of the EMHC in improving the health of the people of Edenbridge and the surrounding villages in the years to come. 

Welcome desk at Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre

We have already been discussing ways in which we could help – some early ideas include supporting a play group for children on the autistic spectrum, a Couch to 5k running club, an allotment for mental health, IT support for people struggling to access the GPs’ new e-booking system etc.  To make it happen, we need to recruit new members and especially new Committee members.  The Hospital’s in-patient beds, Day Centre, and even physio and out-patients were mostly used by older people. We feel that with so many more people, of all ages, using EMHC than ever visited the Hospital, we should be able to create a more diverse and vibrant League working with the community in a variety of ways.

We are looking for new members, new Committee members and new ideas for projects we could support.  We appreciate that time is a particularly precious commodity for people with jobs and/or young children, but we are keen to recruit younger members, who might help steer the League in directions that reflect their interests.  That is not to say that we are only looking for younger people- with added years there often come added experience and a different skill set, so we would genuinely welcome interest from all.

We hope you will continue to support the League, and to find out more, please do get in touch:    

Simon Morrison (Trustee)  – | 07793 083318 | 01732 863249

Marnie Woodward (Treasurer) – | 07850 689401

Contact details for Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre